Cristini was present at MIAC 2015 International Exhibition of Paper Industry in Lucca- Italy
At our booth we will showcase our diagnostic systems line, featuring the EasyScan™ family of traversing beams. EasyScan 100, 300 & 500 are different versions available either for the transportation of portable felt scanners or equipped with DCS integrated sensors for the measurement of felt moisture & permeability. The beams are guaranteed maintenance free, with an extremely compact design to fit virtually any position on a paper machine. Cristini continues to be one of the world’s most innovative clothing producers, offering endless and pin seam press fabrics as well as forming fabrics designed for all paper machines.
In MIAC will be presented also EnerMaster™, a new Forming Fabric designed especially for packaging grades to increase forming quality, while reducing energy costs.
The new line of Spiral Dryer fabrics for all grades MaxSpiral™, Maximum stability for Maximum life will be also presented at the show.