Special Applications
Glazing Felts
GlazTech™ offers a ratio batt/base able to erase any marking riskand to maintain the proper humidity content for an excellent glazingof the paper sheet.
Marking Felts
Techmark™ allows a controlled marking of the paper sheet in relation with where it is achieved.
Broke Conveyors
CarTech™ is a strong mechanical design able to answer to the severe environment of a broke conveyor.
Tissue Conveyors
MaxFlat™ is designed for positions where is required a non marking solution dedicated to special tissue web transportation.
Pulp Carrier Ropes
TuffBraid™ is designed for high speed applications or high wear positions including size presses, coater sections or reel sections.
HiLife™ is a completely new rope structure which encompasses the benefits of all families of yarns, without the painful trade-offs necessary to convert from one rope family to another.